
Your studies will consist of a wide range of knowledge that fosters physical health. This program will allow you to help people move towards personal growth and reach their full potential. 你可以促进身体健康和健康的生活方式选择. You will study how to prevent injury and illness and to keep people youthful and fit. You will examine how diet affects the body and how to harness the power of good nutrition including quality food, 消化吸收. You will explore exercise physiology to learn movement and coordination and the practices that help keep the body active.

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You will participate in the multidisciplinary study of human movement from biological, 物理与健康科学. You will understand body behavior and optimization and study the inner workings of the body systems, 骨头, 组织和肌肉. 通过这种对身体的核心理解, you will be able to serve others and help them be their best version. 无论是通过锻炼, 控制体重, 伤害预防或身体健康, you’ll understand exercise testing and prescription for healthy and at-risk populations. 在学习了重量训练之后, 并教育其他人关于生活方式选择的影响, 你将创建和设计有效的锻炼计划.

一路上你将涉及的话题包括营养, 压力, 体重管理, 疾病预防, 以及心理方面的锻炼. 学生 graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 锻炼 Science are prepared for entry-level positions like exercise/fitness specialist, 团体健身教练, 私人教练, 在公司健身项目和健身俱乐部工作, 或者在高中当力量和体能教练, 大学, 还有专业的运动队. 这个项目也注重清晰的沟通, 协作, 批判性思维的, 领导和促进学习. 在这个项目中, 你将学习跟踪, data analysis and research techniques that you can integrate into your practice.


You will be expected to study exercise physiology and kinesiology in applied settings. You will learn about topics such as training, conditioning, rehabilitation and stretching. 你将学习心肺方面的课程, nervous and musculoskeletal systems and how they respond to activity. 我们的新, state-of-the-art Human Performance Lab boasts hands-on equipment for preparation and training in the exercise science fields. The 锻炼 Science program gives you the opportunity to gain valuable internship experience dependent upon your career goals. 作为一名毕业生, you’ll be prepared for entry-level positions and/or graduate school due to four years of high-level instruction and practical experience.

  • 安阿伯

